Tuesday, 1 April 2014

The Four Demons

The Four Demons

We have them but we deny that fact, they haunt us but we glorify them, they are bad but we can’t realize it.
I have previously traveled to various parts of our country as I undertake the duty given to my calling. I have to say that what I have seen always baffles me to bone. I have seen a generation doomed in another generation in bloom. What brings out these two diverse differences is really out of my wit. I do not know why this is happening given that we are in the 21st century where information spreads like bushfire.
My dear readers, I have seen four demons that govern our people and make all these differences we see. I am scared that the people are immensely possessed by the demons that a mere prophet cannot avert that easily. It is so bad that even the greatest powers that be are in fear of facing and fighting them. If you do not mind, I am so much ready and willing to take you through this less travelled path. I guess that it may not be that sweet but I have to say regardless of whichever barrier that may come my way. I deem it quite necessary to speak it out.
Why is it that we take these stereotypes so seriously and gauge ourselves by that yardstick?
The very first demon is the demon of IDENTITY. This is one of the commonest in the whole universe. You must have heard that some communities are naturally thieves; others are immoral while others are untamable barbarians. It must have been heard by you that some communities are lazy, ignorant and have primitive cultures. These stereotypes have made many people fail to identify their real selves. This is what leads to an identity crisis.
 Most people have been broadcasted to be poor, academically below par, unable to present themselves well or are incapable of being leaders.
It is surprising that those who say it loudest have never interacted with them in the first place.
So, what water or truth do these sentiments hold? Why is it that you take them so seriously and gauge yourself by that yardstick? This is what we call complete nonsense.
It is also important to note that people take some careers to be more important than others. They say that doctors are most successful people while teachers are the least successful. They purport that businessmen are the richest while farmers are the poorest. In the real sense that is not the case. This identity crisis has even gone down to students. Those in district and county schools consider themselves to be less bright than those in national schools. This mentality only is enough to make one fail. They develop a low esteem of themselves and more particularly a rift and fear of their capabilities. They do not realize that they are the same bodies but only covered with different clothes.                                                                                                                                                                                                           
I would like to change that notion in you. When results are out, it is not only students from national schools who feature but several others from little known schools make prominent appearances. Haven’t you seen it happen? I would like to tell you that I have seen doctors who own big hospitals while others struggle to eke out a living. Some even strike for better pay. Where then is this stereotypic success that ALL doctors have? I have seen prosperous and financially well off teachers who even lend businessmen money to bail them out of bankruptcy. I ask again, where does this stereotype gain acclaim from? It is in most cases a complete opposite state of affairs. It calls on you to define your own identity in a clear manner and not to rely on any other person’s opinion to do it for you. Doomed are you if you do not figure out your real person that you will be known for.
“If you do not define who you are, then someone will define who you are, in the way he wants, and you will be forced to accept it the way he has defined you.”
In the true way of it, none of these stereotypes are true. It only needs the knowledge of yourself for you to know who you really are.
Some time back when I was a teacher, I used to ask my students who they say they are. Unfortunately, most of them could not forward any reasonable definition of themselves. But for those who tried to coin a proper description of themselves, you could note that their academic performance was commendable. I concluded that in most cases the most effective and successful people are those who strive to know their true identity and interrogate it wisely.
From this knowledge, they are able to affect change in themselves and what they do.
Identity made Martin Luther King lead a revolution that restored sanity and preserved the rights of the blacks. He freed them from the chains of slavery. He fought tirelessly and though young, he knew he will, and sure, he did.
Identity made Olusegun Obasanjo move from a poor background and walking barefoot to school, to become the president of Nigeria.
Identity made Oprah Winfrey move from grass to grace. She presents a show that is acclaimed worldwide for the inspiration that it brings to people’s lives. It should be known that they did not own a TV while she was young.
Indiscipline is filth and failure in manifestation.
(Victor Otieno)

Identity made Barrack Obama clinch the US presidency although being labeled a monkey because of his black roots.
Identity made PLO Lumumba the best orator in Kenya and beyond although he was born in Pumwani, where pure English, French or Kiswahili was seldom spoken.
Identity is what is what is going to drive you from doom and damnation to glory and greatness. Yes, it is identity and no other thing.

The second demon is the impunity demon. This impunity has become so inherent in us and we have taken is as usual and normal. We   have developed a sense of wrongdoing and embraced it gracefully. We have been made to know that it pays nothing to obey the law.
Most people have defined success path wrongly from what they do and believe in. If you want to be graceful, you must steal and break the law. This is incredible! We must engage in corrupt dealings for you to succeed. We have come to embrace this fact as self-evident and true. Students have taken it virtuous to cheat in exams and pass without much ado. Wrongness has been replaced with righteousness. This is impunity! What is more exceptional is that, as people indulge in illicit and undignified means to gain benefit, they are insensitive of morals and the law. They are aware but never mind.
Our young generation is growing up knowing that all is gained through impunity. Merit is no longer valuable; it is a great undoing instead. With this outline, is hell not coming early to us? Are we going to be able to elude it? Each day is going to add and renew deep and painful wounds that no concoction can cure.
Paul, one of the greatest missionaries in history, was, at one time, a persecutor of Christians. He killed and maimed at will. He didn’t care in any way. Persecution is what he liked most and did best. But on one of his numerous undertakings, he met God through a torch. He was blinded. On restoration of his sight, he changed his name to Paul. He was no longer a man whose name was synonymous to terror, horror and death. He was no longer a man of impunity. From impunity, he transformed to become the missionary whose work we celebrate to date. This is the man that Jesus laid the foundation of Christianity on and said, ’he is the rock.’ Yes, a rock. He forgot impunity and became virtuous.
In my high school, a student in our class way quite undisciplined for a long time. Teachers punished him again and again but all was in vain. He made noise and absenteeism was his second name. Being on the wrong side of the law was his order of the day. But a time came when he was made a prefect in charge of the school environment. The boy underwent total reform. I do not know how it all happened but he changed. He performed his duties with zeal, dignity and diligence.
The path was worn and slippery. My foot slipped from under me, knocking the other out of the way, but I recovered and said to myself, it is just a slip and not a fall.
(Abraham Lincoln)
 He improved tremendously on class attendance and academic performance generally. Come KCSE, he scored an A-(minus).
When I enquired on his change, he told me, indiscipline is filth and failure in manifestation.
The third demon isfatalism. We tend to think that only the worst will happen. We do not believe that we can have a breakthrough at any given time. All we know is misery and failure. The challenges that we face do not act to show us any positive way or even correct ourselves and begin to progress.
We should shun the chains of this demon for us to see the positive big picture of ourselves and our future. This is a clarion call for us to embrace and learn from our failures. We should develop ourselves forever in a manner that even our dear Lord will be proud of.
Bob Marley averted fatalism to become one of the greatest reggae musicians in the world albeit coming from one of the poorest estates in Jamaica. Poverty and disadvantage never destroyed his enthusiasm dreams and the spirit of greatness. He fought on and believed in great things. Fatalism is one thing that could not be seen in Bob. His songs have stood the test of time and continue to inspire and entertain generation after generation. He has indeed kept his legacy despite being physically absent from the real world. Why can’t we do away with this demon then?
When Professor Ali Mazrui was young, he did not qualify to go to university directly. He taught not to employ fatalism in any way. At a certain time, missionaries came and wee looking for a translator. It was only Ali Mazrui who could do that job. This is because he did not throw the knowledge away although he failed to move on to college. He translated in flawless English that the missionaries got astounded and sought for a scholarship for him in England. One man Ali Mazrui went to Manchester University in England and graduated with distinction. He did not allow any fatalism again; he perused his masters in Columbia University in New York. He did not stop there either but went on to Oxford University to acquire his doctorate degree. Upon its acquisition he was invited to Michigan University as a professor and headed a political science department. The state university of New York could not wait to call him as professor of humanities. He performed the duty well among other high profile scholarly works he had undertaken. This is a complete example of a man who fatalism is just but nothing. Is it nothing to you too?

Nelson Mandela believed in the deliverance of the black South Africans from the apartheid rule. He endured all manner of undignified treatment and more particularly his long time stay in prison. 27 years in prison! He became the most respected prisoner in the most respected prisoner I the world. He believed in something big, something great and something successful. Indeed, in 1994, so Africa was free from apartheid rule. He rose to become the president of the country whose interests he fought for almost three quarters of his life. For Mandela and his likeminded colleagues, fatalism was nowhere. It did not exist.
As if that is not enough, Abraham Lincoln is another perfect example of why we should fight fatalism to bone and drive its spirit to inevitable extinction. This gentleman passed through many tribulations before becoming the 16th president of the U.S. his speeches were the most quoted in the American history. But early in age, he had many hardships. Surprisingly, all this never killed his vigour. In 1832, he lost his job and could not get into law school. In the same year, he was declared bankrupt in business and spent 17 years paying for the debts arising thereof. In 1833 he was defeated for legislature and again in 1834. That same year, his fiancée died and his heart was broken. In 1835, he had a nervous breakdown and spent six months in bed. In 1836, he was defeated in becoming the speaker. In 1838, he was defeated in becoming an elector. Come 1840, he never made it to congress again. In 1849 the senate narrowly escaped him. In 1854, the vice presidency escaped him. But come 1860, he was elected as president of U.S.A with a landslide victory with over 96%. And this is the Abraham Lincoln that many might not have known.
Are you little discouraged? You have tried and tried and you seem not to be achieving any dream? Do not be discouraged. It took Abraham 30 years to become president. How many years have it taken you? Don’t be fatal, be resilient. It does not matter how many times you have failed in your business or exams. In raising your family or career, what matter I s your resilience. In bettering your life and aspirations, never be fatal. Fight on still. Why should you give up? Lincoln is known as the most resilient man in history. Do his challenges inspire you? If yes, then get encouraged.
A student once wrote me a letter appreciating how my talk had helped her fight fatalism. This is what it read.
Dear Abuta,
I am writing this to let you know how wonderful your presentation on Dissing the Dis of Despair was. You straightforwardly told the story and captured the attention and imagination of everybody in the hall. I discovered that I was suffering from the disease of giving up whenever a little challenge comes my way. Hearing you speak, I thought you were talking about me, but I discovered it was the same case to many of us.
 You deeply moved me and I dare commit myself to think smarter, generate many ideas and more importantly, never ever despair. As I listened to the story of your past, the constant barriers to kick yourself off, I find every reason to pursue my course to the highest point possible. Your exceptional ability in delivering messages has helped me gain a vision for something bigger than what I currently know. I thank god that you came to my life because you really inspire me.
 May God bless you.

We decided to introduce new ideas that never existed before because Singapore was not like any other country
(Lee Kuan Yew)
The last demon is the demon of infertility. This one demon that is so bad that it can cause deadlier havoc than the aforesaid three. If it possesses you, then it will take a while for you to be realistically alive. The infertility I am talking about is not the one you know, the biological one. It is the infertility of ideas. We are not at all times ready to create a good ground for fertility of ideas to thrive. We often kill any ground that shows capability of giving birth to ideas. In simple words, we hate producing new ideas. Have a look at how we appreciate those who produce or disseminate ideas. We should know that those who have thrown this demon out of their lives have achieved remarkable progress and success in their lives.
They have had a great impact on humanity. Singapore’s founding father, Kuan Yew, said this in his book. “We decided to introduce new ideas that never existed before because Singapore is not like any other country.” The people of Singapore went on to produce ideas that moved them from third a third world country to a first world country. The demon of infertility was destroyed and driven to extinction.
The gentleman who discovered M-PESA must have averted infertility out of him completely. He did not mind whether he was a Kenyan or not, whether poor or not. He went on to discover something that the world has embraced. Is this not colourful? Yes indeed. As we enlist the services of M-PESA, we should know that infertility was cultivated and a superb product was created.

It is only when fertility completely replaced infertility that Brin and Brian discovered Google. They produced an idea that has changed the world and its entire people. An idea that has helped disseminate information and fight the common enemy-ignorance.
An idea that has employed millions and earned them a living. It is then, and only then, that we realize that infertility should be thrown into the grave and rest there in pieces.
May infertility die and rest in pieces
(B M O)
Fertility made Bill Gates the richest man in the universe after coming up with the brilliant Microsoft idea. This is the idea that has made it possible to have this document the way you are reading it. Bill, despite performing poorly in school, he never allowed this demon to posses him. He was labeled a dummy who was incapable of learning but later employed those who were brighter than him in class. Once again, we have every reason to execute this demon at whatever cost.
Fertility enabled Kikelenzu secondary school in Ukambani to become the best school in Physics in Kenya. The students did not let the low regard of their school or their past failures prevent them from showing the country what they are truly capable of. They knew they were fertile, they could produce and indeed they produced. It should be noted that they did not just produce but produced the best. That is what fertility makes of you and gives you.
Fertility of ideas is what is going to transform you from who you think you are to who you really are.
Fertility is what is going to bring you out of darkness and put you into perpetual light.
Fertility is going to propel you from grass to grace.
Fertility, I say, is going to shake the failures in you and their foundations.
I have said it time and again that between the fight of the lion and the shark, it is the terrain that matters
(Dr Wale)
Fertility, my dear friends is going to use the rabbles of your failures to lay an unshakable foundation of striking performance.
Fertility is the vehicle that is going to move you from third world and establish your home in the first world. I challenge you today to have the productivity that is unparalleled in the whole universe. Embrace fertility and attain what you could have achieved long time ago. May infertility in you die and rest in pieces.
May fertility be born in your life and live there eternally. May you have a fertile life, studies, service or even leadership!
As you strive to avert these demons, it is good to know where to tread and fight. It is essential to know who you deal with and the school of thought they belong. It is senseless to explain sense to the mad. It is pointless to explain something to the dead 
I have said time and again that the fight between the shark and the lion is determined by the terrain.  If the shark fight with the lion in the jungle, it is quite obvious that the lion will win.
Likewise, if the lion fights the shark in the ocean, it is undisputable that the lion will be defeated. This is because of the terrain. In the jungle, the shark cannot swim nor take in air. It does not have such a biological design to enable it to do so. The lion cannot survive in the ocean because it can neither swim nor breathe. It will just die even before facing the opponent
The terrain therefore matters greatly in our lives. If you are the lion, do not fight your way to success in the sea. If you are the shark, never attempt to undertake any plan in the sea. The implication of the terrain is this. There are people who possess the ability to gain insurmountable greatness but they do fight in the wrong terrain. Many people are sharks but they do not know it because they are on land.
 Other people are fierce lions but they do not recognize the ocean they have put themselves in. No wonder they are defeated.  To bring the point closer home, one should undertake an activity he/she knows best, with the people who inspire him/her most and most importantly, in an environment that can help you achieve the climax of your success.
A student should not dream of success if he/she spends time with people who seldom study, do not value studies and are always absent minded when it comes to matters of studies. A businessperson who wants to succeed should not associate with people who take business as theft, cannot give any progressive idea or those who yearn for the day his/her business will fail. It should be otherwise instead.
At all times, one should try to make a new people, a new inspiration and a new environment out of the one he/she has. You are the force that can put you wherever you want to be. Remember that if you fail to say what you want and endeavourto get it, then, you will be given something that you do not like and be forced to take it.  
As I conclude this chapter, I hope that the revelation herein has enabled you to discern the demons that possess you. I believe that you are going to avert them and sharpen your edge of competence in improving the standards of all that you do. I once again challenge you to take the challenge and define yourself better than ever before.

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